sabato 8 dicembre 2007

Dichiarazione sul clima fatta da 200 scienziati

Mentre i vertici mondiali discutono a Bali, è interessante leggere questa dichiarazione di 200 scienziati ( come sempre pochi gli italiani ) che si occupano di clima.
Riporto il primo capoverso
"The 2007 IPCC report, compiled by several hundred climate scientists, has unequivocally concluded that our climate is warming rapidly, and that we are now at least 90% certain that this is mostly due to human activities. The amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere now far exceeds the natural range of the past 650,000 years, and it is rising very quickly due to human activity. If this trend is not halted soon, many millions of people will be at risk from extreme events such as heat waves, drought, floods and storms, our coasts and cities will be threatened by rising sea levels, and many ecosystems, plants and animal species will be in serious danger of extinction."

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